Submission_Guide General_Policies Financial_Conditions
- The submission language is English only
Recommended paper structure
- Title (e.g. On Laconic and Informative Titles)
- Authors
- Abstract (max. 200 words)
- Keywords (max. 7 words/phrases)
- Introduction
- 1. Literature Review
- 2. Methods
- 3. Results
- 4. Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
Manuscript requirements
- Single-spaced text, tables, and references
- 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom, left, and right)
- 12-point Liberation Serif typeface
- No line numbering on any pages
- No page numbers
Types of Publications
Manuscripts submitted to Conferencii should neither be published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. The main article types are as follows:
- Abstract: Abstracts can be a short single paragraph summarizing the main topic and the findings presented at the conference, or an extension of a typical abstract that contains a moderately detailed account of the work. They should be submitted to a conference in advance and give details supporting a presentation made at a conference. The main text usually has no sections, but may include tables, figures, and references. The length should not exceed four pages.
- Proceeding Paper: These papers should report new evidence or conclusions and are expanded versions of work presented in a conference presentation. Conference proceedings can be incomplete works that report on an idea, technique, or important results, thus providing readers with a brief overview of recent work or specific projects of significant interest. The structure is similar to that a standard research article and it should include sections such as an introduction, methods, results, conclusions, etc. It is recommended that the length should not exceed eight pages.
- Conference Report: Conference reports are records of the events of a conference, seminar, or meeting. They should provide a comprehensive overview of a meeting or session, along with relevant background information for the reader. They are typically not peer-reviewed. The structure should contain an abstract, keywords, introduction, conference sections, and concluding remarks, with a suggested minimum word count of 2500 words. They can also include all accepted meeting abstracts.
Authors must use OpenDocument template to prepare their manuscript. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copy-editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. Accepted file format: OpenDocument (*.odt)
Paper submission
- Editorial correspondence including manuscripts for submission should be addressed to the Editor:
- All papers are subject to single-blind peer review procedure. Articles for the review process are accepted continuously. You will be kept informed by our Editor about all necessary details and terms.
The review process
- Publication of original scientific and overview papers in the Conferencii journal is preceded by an independent, single-blind peer review procedure.
- The review process takes into account such factors as relevance, soundness, significance, originality, readability, and language quality.
- The possible results of the review process include acceptance, acceptance after revisions, or rejection of the paper.
- If authors are encouraged to revise and resubmit the paper, no guarantee that the revised version will be accepted is given.
- Rejected articles are not subject to re-review process.
- If both reviews are positive, the article is recommended for publication.
- If both reviews are negative, the article is rejected in the review process.
- If at least one reviewer requires the article to be reworked and reassessed, the article must be reworked and then sent back for re-evaluation to the same reviewer.
- In case that one review is positive and the other negative, the evaluation of a third newly determined reviewer is decisive.
- The average length of a review process is 15 days. The author will be informed about the result of the review process by the Editor.
- Articles for the review process are accepted continuously.
- After the successful review process, the articles are subject to proofreading, graphic preparation for printing, and final authors proof.
- We ask reviewers to be as specific as possible in indicating what must be done to make a manuscript acceptable for journal publication. This embodies a primary objective of the journal: to assist authors in the research process. Our Editorial Policy is one which is supportive, rather than critical. We encourage all authors who are not successful in a first attempt to rewrite the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers. We will be pleased to referee future versions and rewrites of manuscripts and work with authors in achieving their research goals.
Publication policy
- Conferencii journal publishes accepted manuscripts as soon as possible.
- If a manuscript is not scheduled for publication by the end of the one-year period following acknowledgment of receipt, authors may request that the manuscript be released to them.
- Papers that are published or held by the Journal may not be published elsewhere (either in sum or in part) without written permission from Conferencii journal.
- Conferencii journal reserves the right to edit all papers for style, syntax, grammar, and clarity.
Property rights
- All authors of published papers are required to transfer copyright ownership of the manuscript to Conferencii journal.
- Authors are required to obtain written copyright permission to include material in their paper for which they do not own copyright.
- Conferencii journal reserves the right to reproduce published papers in full or in part in other media.
- Abstract: 50 GBP applies to papers accepted after peer review.
- Proceeding Paper: 100 GBP applies to papers accepted after peer review. The length of the article should not be less then 8 pages and cannot exceed 12 pages.
- Conference Report: 50 GBP applies to papers.
- Certificate of Participation: 25 GBP.